Application for Membership in the Vampire Court of Dallas ®

Application for Membership, Vampire Court of Dallas® (VCD) Revision 8: 01/07/2020 Please take your time in this application and answer as thoroughly and truthfully as possible [No short answers please!], this is a first impression and the more thoughtful effort you put in here the easier it is for us to get to know and understand what type of person you are. This application is open to everyone of any sect/variation of vampirism or other-kin identified. Additionally, we are open to all spiritually-minded people that are accepting of others people’s views on the above subjects and supportive of the organizational mission.

To give a short summary of the organization: The Vampire Court of Dallas / Fort Worth® is an umbrella organization providing a public face for the numerous individuals and private Vampire/Cryptid organizations of the D/FW area. As such, we are a fully federally certified 501(c)3 charitable organization and strive to be fully transparent in our efforts of outreach, education, and community service.

Our purpose can be split between two primary efforts: Community Support and Community Service. Our community support functions consist of the bulk of our efforts, and these can be best summed up as providing wide-ranging personal support for the growth and education of our members, along with providing a safe place, acceptance, and understanding. Our community service functions consist of the multiple events and event partnerships that we engage in throughout the year for charity…to not only help the local community but to provide a needed counter to the bad press that our communities have been given in the past by the media. Through these two facets, the VCD has provided countless hours of community service, material support, and a much-needed outlet for the beautiful creatures of Dallas to be proud of. This application is the first step in a three-step process that consists of this application, attending a single meeting in person and a final vote of the membership. Persons will be notified as these steps are cleared however we usually average a 48-hour turnaround. After induction, prospective members are on a probationary period of 30-120 days, in which members are encouraged to meet and socialize, as well as read over the charter/rules located on the member’s Google Drive…Be advised that during this probationary period, the prospective member does not have the ability to vote in proceedings and can be removed from the organization by leadership if their behavior does not mesh or reflect the core values of the organization.

By filling out the application below, you acknowledge that you have understood and will abide by the rules below:

  • All members/prospects are to respect each other and each other’s diversity of gender identification, age, religious affiliation, sexuality, other-kin or mundane identification, race, medical history or any other means of association.
  • The official rosters and membership (prospective, full, or at-large) encountered at meetings or events are not to be posted publicly or acknowledged publicly via social media, the internet, or any means of “outing” without the other parties’ consent. Prospective members must know that some person encountered is considered to be “in the coffin” and this must be respected.
  • The Vampire Court of Dallas is to remain to be neutral in political affairs (both mundane and within the greater community). Any officer, member, or prospective member acknowledges that they alone do not speak for the organization without a full vote of the voting membership.

All responses and status updates will be given by email.

Do you have any reason/reasons why you wish us to utilize your preferred name(s) instead of legal name? (required)

What are your thoughts on taking part in community service and volunteerism? Choose one(required)

(Examples: Web Mastery, Graphic Design, Printing, Computer Science, Marketing, Accounting, Promotions, etc…)

While we consider ourselves a politically neutral organization, we support causes, charities, and initiatives that promote tolerance, unity, and support for all segments of the D/FW community. We do not discriminate against anyone based on gender identification, religious affiliation, sexuality, other-kin or mundane identification, race, medical history, or any other means of association.

Do you have any criminal background or pending charges (of a violent or sexual nature) that would be a concern to the membership induction process? (required)

Important! You can choose to fill out our form above or copy the questions below into an email & answered to the best of your ability and then submit them by email:

Name or Preferred Alias:

Legal Name:

Legal Age:

City of Address:

Do you have any reason/reasons why you wish us to utilize your preferred name(s) instead of legal name (Note: Some members and prospective members are professionals that wish to keep this part of their personal identity hidden from those that do not understand the measures of this part of their life…Playfully known as “being in the coffin” but still quite serious… this is a status highly respected by our membership, officers and council and thus our roles are kept secretive to all of those outside of our court and will not be posted publicly under any circumstances)?

What personal goal(s) do you have in joining the VCD?

What are your thoughts regarding the vampire and other-kin community as a whole?

Do you have experience in dealing with any other vampire/other-kin organizations or structures (either locally or regionally)?

What are your thoughts on taking part in community service and volunteerism?

Define what you particularly identify as (be it vampire, other-kin, or spiritually minded person) and how it makes you the person that you are. What does the term vampire or other-kin mean to you?

Do you have any particular reservations about joining this group or perhaps other groups like this that we can address?

Do you have any questions for us?

Do you have any particular skills or education that could be of use to the court (Examples: Web Mastery, Graphic Design, Printing, Computer Science, Marketing, Accounting, Promotions, etc…)?

While we consider ourselves a politically neutral organization, we support causes, charities, and initiatives that promote tolerance, unity, and support for all segments of the D/FW community. We do not discriminate against anyone based on gender identification, religious affiliation, sexuality, other-kin or mundane identification, race, medical history, or any other means of association. Do you have any issues or concerns regarding our support for these groups or charities that engage in the support of these groups?

Do you have any criminal background (of a violent or sexual nature) within the past 5 years that would be a concern to the membership induction process (NOTE: All prospective members are given a cursory criminal background check during the membership approval phase)?

How did you hear about us (Flyer, Business Card, Another Member, Website, Instagram, Etc)?

Also, if you have any reservations about answering any of these questions, feel free to put a N/A with an explanation at the bottom of the application. We are very open and accepting of all persons and needs, however, we need to know about them to educate ourselves moving forward. Education flows both ways!