
policies arrow

Some policies have been established and went into effect as of the February 2022 meeting

some policies are to bring more in sync with standard non-profit practices, others to meet concerns expressed previously but would not fall under a charter revision.

Going forward all critical pending votes will have the details for review for at least 2 weeks.

  • Proposed charter revisions will be spelled out in detail
    • highlighting associated passage
    • idenityfing what is proposed change would be with any additional clarifying details of what the changes are intended to be.
  • Monthly public meeting notes will have approval *
    • Meeting notes are to be posted at least 2 weeks prior to the next meeting for review by the community and approval of attendees of the next meeting.
    • Record keeper will have 2 weeks after the monthtly public meeting to document and post or provide a copy to the Chamberlain for inclusion as a password protected page on the website.
    • Post approval, the notes will be released for public review.

Monthly reports are being requested from these officers*:

  • if an officers attendance cannot be met during the monthly meeting, all report information is requested to be provided to the officers’ group
  • another officer will present the information on the officers’ behalf during the meeting
    • Record Keeper
    • Chamberlain
    • Vice Director
    • Steward
    • Cofferer
    • Councillar
    • Guardian
    • Scribe

Due to COVID, any in-person meetings will be done in a hybrid platform:

  • to support those who are unable to attend but wherein, to protect the privacy of the attendees, only the director will be required to be visible for the Webex.*
  • attendees speaking will be asked to use a microphone off-camera to include those at home in what is inquired/said and announce themselves only by their membership identifier or first name.*

Going forward the vice-director will be helping to interview those in the new member pipeline along with other officers.*

  • Outstanding and pending applications are being reviewed and processed
  • Communications to those who are inelligible will also be generated.

* New policies