Taco-thon for NAANT

Taqueria La Ventana Tacos

Our Post Taco-thon Update

Thank y’all for participating!! We had a total of 11 tacos eaten! For those who so kindly pledged, please donate your pledged amounts here: https://www.paypal.me/vampirecourtofdallas.

Original Post

Before our first in-person meeting for 2022, the VCD is hosting a taco-thon at Taqueria La Ventana in Oak Lawn to help raise funds for NAANT, a local autism non-profit charity. You may have this document below presented to you by a member, volunteer, or an ally of our community.

Want to donate to our Taco-thon?

Those interested in helping us support the NAANT may pledge their amounts with those participating & those who are willing to donate their stomachs, come with an appetite to win.

If you do not know of a member, ally, or volunteer of the VCD directly, you can make a pledge supporting one of our officers listed below who have volunteered to participate:

My name is _______________I plan to eat at least _____ tacos at Taqueria La Ventana for the National Autism Association of North Texas (NAANT) charity to benefit Autism Awareness. 
Naanad (Chamberlain)3

Who is the taco-than for?

The North American Academy of Neural Therapy (NAANT) seeks to advance the understanding and practice of Neural Therapy in North America. With a focus on education, promotion, and setting standards in the practice of Neural Therapy, & membership offerings are geared to those ends, so the VCD voted to kick off our 2022 meetings by honoring a non-profit providing:

    • NAANT runs events to promote the development of neural therapy, excellence in its practice, and community among its practitioners.
    • We’re continually seeking out and publishing the best articles, case reports, and videos.
    • NAANT makes it easier for patients and physicians to find other Neural Therapy providers.