Public Meeting Notes 11-05-2017

Location: The Ginger Man in Uptown Dallas, TX

Number of Attendees: 29

A few members of our court, including our King (Mike) and Queen (Rayne) were down in NOLA Oct 26 through Halloween to attend the multiple Vampire events that occurred. These events included; Anne Rice’s Lestat Ball, VCA’s Blood Lust Ball, Father Sebastiaan’s Endless Nights, Isabella’s, and the Chateau’s Opium Ball. Our members were very well welcomed by the many Vampire communities across the globe and we have been recognized for our neutrality concerning the community feuds and as well as all the good we have done for our community.

A handful of VCD members, including our King (Mike) and Queen (Rayne) were able to attend the events hosted by VCA in Austin, Texas the weekend of Oct 19. Just as with NOLA, our members were met with nothing but open arms. This was a great opportunity for VCD and VCA members to co-mingle.

A VCD t-shirt design has been voted on. Design number 4 has been picked and we are moving forward on getting this design into production.

Mind’s eye Theater had a second Play Test Event that went well. I took place Saturday, Nov 4, and lasted 24 hours. Their charity goal was met and surpassed within the first 6 hours.

The Krampus Nacht Toy Drives have been approved and posted. Friday, December 15, the Toy Drive will take place at Panoptikon. Sunday, December 17, will be the main event and will take place at the Church. Toys and donations will go to the New Beginnings Center in Garland. Member volunteer sign-up sheets will be posted soon. Malka is the lead on these events.

2018’s Bleeding Hearts Ball is set for February 11, 2018, to take place at the church. The proposal has been sent to the venue for review. This event will benefit Heart of Gold and will be black and gold-themed. The event leads for this event are Radha and Ramon.

Members-only family dinner has been scheduled for all active VCD members to take place on Saturday, November 11, 2017.

A change in venue for the monthly meetings has been discussed due to location, price of menu, and size of space. For the time being, meetings will continue to be at the Gingerman in uptown.

A Patreon has been suggested to VCD to raise funds for us to use for future events and supplies.

Members of the VCD voted in favor of doing a “secret Santa” Holiday gift exchange.

Rayne has set up an Elf Stir for members to sign up and for Santas to be selected at random and anonymously. Gifts will be exchanged at the December meeting.

A new applicant was discussed and voted into membership.

Updated Oct 17, 2020, 3:16 PM

Nov 7, 2017, 4:41 PM