Public Meeting Notes 12-03-2017

Location: The Ginger Man in Uptown Dallas, TX

Number of Attendees: 42

The final VCD t-shirt design has been voted on. A minor symbol change has been done to the design and we are moving forward on producing shirts.

The annual toy drive to benefit The New Begining Center of Garland will be split into two events. Friday, December 15, 2017, at Panoptikon, and Sunday, December 17, 2017, Krampus Nacht will take place at the Church. Malka’s roommate has offered to run a small toy drive at the public middle school she works at to collect more toys for the cause. Volunteer sign-up sheets are up for both events on our member page.

We are in contact with the Church regarding The Bleeding Hearts Ball. It is tentatively scheduled for Sunday, February 11, 2017.

Two new members were inducted into membership.

Will has designed thermo stick-on badges for volunteers to wear at events allowing members to stand out.

Will has brought walkie-talkies and taught our members how to use them in hopes of making communication easier at events.

After some discussion on what each level of donors will get, VCD now has a Patreon up and public.

The November family dinner was smaller than expected but still, a wonderful night, and discussions for a future one have begun.

BBC America has shown interest in interviewing VCD members. Members have voted on being in contact with them once a contract has been drawn up to protect the integrity of the Court.

Charter Revision F, regarding ambassadors to protect our relations with other organizations, has been proposed and voted in. Kim has been voted the ambassador to NOVA and Bri has been voted the Ambassador to Houston and its multiple courts.

Dax Stoke, the Vampire historian, is scheduled to attend our February meetup.

Bri has been in contact with a videographer that is interested in recording our events at no charge.

VCD is now on Amazon Smile, which when someone signs up, .5% of their transactions will be donated by Amazon to VCD.

Aoife has graced us with her presence and talent for the second year in a row for our court photos. Officer photos, as well as full-court photos, took place before and after our meeting.

The first VCD secret Santa was a success. Gifts were exchanged without a hitch.

During our meeting, one of our Guardians proposed to his long-time girlfriend, and she graciously said yes. 🙂

Updated Oct 17, 2020, 3:16 PM

Dec 10, 2017, 8:41 PM