Tag: blood drive

Location: Gingerman, Uptown, Dallas, TX Number of Attendees: 42 A proposal for a new VCD website is currently being worked on and we should have something new to vote on soon. Outlast Youth (the organization that we raised funds for at Rainbow in the Dark) is looking for volunteers for a demographic count that will […]
Location: Gingerman, Uptown, Dallas, TX Number of Attendees: 39 The webmaster is still working on a new site. The designer we were working with adjusted their price and we are looking to work with someone else. We are growing and we want our members to be aware of people’s boundaries. We are a safe zone […]
Location: The Ginger Man in Uptown Dallas Texas Number of attendees: 46 Pirate-themed weekend event planned by VCD at Scarborough Faire meeting times were confirmed and posted in the internal page, tickets are discounted for members! Four VCD members attended the internal haunted house event and discovered that one other VCD member was a part […]
Location: The Ginger Man in Uptown Dallas, TX Number of Attendees: 29 A few members of our court, including our King (Mike) and Queen (Rayne) were down in NOLA Oct 26 through Halloween to attend the multiple Vampire events that occurred. These events included; Anne Rice’s Lestat Ball, VCA’s Blood Lust Ball, Father Sebastiaan’s Endless […]
Location: The Ginger Man in Uptown Dallas, TX Number of Attendees: 24 We had an honored guest; Logan South, King of the Vampire Court of Austin The Semi-Fang was a success, with up to 6000 reaches on social media. 12 VCD members were involved and 7 members of VCA participated as well. The t-shirt project […]
Location: The Ginger Man in Uptown Dallas, TX (second floor) Number of attendees: 25 Convergence After Action Report and Lessons Learned (Weekend, Blood Drive and RBC Event): Convergence was a success with 40+ blood drive signups and outstanding performances with multiple bands. Precedent set with booking bands for events and multiple ideas to branch out […]
Location: The Ginger Man in Uptown Dallas, TX (second floor) Number of attendees: 23 VCD is now a verified nonprofit on Facebook and will soon be able to accept donations through Facebook. Mary is moving forward towards getting us a bank account. She also got us a PayPal credit card reader, so we can now […]
Location: The Ginger Man In Uptown Dallas, TX (second floor) Number of attendees: 25 Calendar entry; June 2, 2017, Vampires vs Wolves Burlesque at Lu Ellens. (featuring our very own Rayne Drawps). Maven’s visit was a success. Many of our members got fangs made. Looking into having him back in May and/or August. We have […]
Gingerman Uptown Dallas, Second Floor Votes: Nomination for Court Record Keeper. Vote Passed. Confirmation of 1 new membership and 1 member-at-large. Vote Passed. Induction and adoption of VCD Charter Revision C. Vote Passed. Meeting Minutes: Updates on Nines event (Aug 26nd) “Nine Lives” to include 1920’s centric performances and Dallas casino charity provider. Benefits North […]
Gingerman Uptown Dallas, Second Floor Votes: Creation of secretary post proposed to take the burden of the current court scribe and executive leadership. Post will primarily be given duties around the meeting agenda and the taking of meeting minutes. Additionally, full moderator privileges of all court social media accounts will be given to create and […]