Public Meeting Notes 04-07-2019

Location: The Gingerman Uptown Dallas, TX

Number in attendance: 36

Our new website is about 85% done.

Members will have access to it so they can vote on the changes.

Dallas Pride parade is coming up on June 2 and the VCD will be walking it. A group of volunteers is being put together to help make supplies to hand out.

We are still working on booking a panel at a local convention.

Our first education workshop, on grounding, was a success and the next class is in the works.

Due to the increased interest in the Semi-Fang project, the project lead has decided to form a team with 3 VCD members as helpers.

One new member was voted into membership.

The VCD will be joining up with the Bad Girls Club of Dallas to host a casino/ burlesque event at Viva’s on Friday, Sept 13, 2019. The cause will be an anti-human trafficking organization (still voting on the particular charity). Malka will be the lead on this project and she has picked her assistant, Syrena.

“Children of the Night” is about to open at the Cultural Bath House at white rock lake. VCD members have been given a code to get discounted tickets.

Charter Revision N was voted into effect.

Along with this, a new specialist position was created, and a member was nominated and voted into the position.

With the creation of a new Chicago court, an ambassador to said court was nominated and voted into place. New title names for members have been discussed. Will discuss further as the idea is developed.

Updated Oct 17, 2020, 3:16 PM

May 2, 2019, 4:32 PM