
Location: The Ginger Man in Uptown Dallas, TX Number of Attendees: 34 Rayne opened the meeting with a positivity exercise. Bleeding Hearts Ball will take place Sunday, February 11, 2018, at the church. Doors will open at 9 pm. All volunteer slots have been filled. Delegates from Austin, Waco, Houston, Denver, and Atlanta will be […]
Location: The Ginger Man in Uptown Dallas, TX Number of Attendees: 33 The VCD t-shirt design has been approved and sent off to be quoted. Should have quotes soon and shirts available at the next event. Krampus Nacht was a success with 600 attendees (breaking the Church’s antecedence record). 218 toys and $232 were collected […]
Location: The Ginger Man in Uptown Dallas, TX Number of Attendees: 42 The final VCD t-shirt design has been voted on. A minor symbol change has been done to the design and we are moving forward on producing shirts. The annual toy drive to benefit The New Begining Center of Garland will be split into […]
Location: The Ginger Man in Uptown Dallas, TX Number of Attendees: 29 A few members of our court, including our King (Mike) and Queen (Rayne) were down in NOLA Oct 26 through Halloween to attend the multiple Vampire events that occurred. These events included; Anne Rice’s Lestat Ball, VCA’s Blood Lust Ball, Father Sebastiaan’s Endless […]
Location: The Ginger Man in Uptown Dallas, TX Number of Attendees: 24 We had an honored guest; Logan South, King of the Vampire Court of Austin The Semi-Fang was a success, with up to 6000 reaches on social media. 12 VCD members were involved and 7 members of VCA participated as well. The t-shirt project […]
Location: The Ginger Man in Uptown Dallas, TX Number of Attendees: 25 We celebrated the one year anniversary of the Vampire Court of Dallas’s first meeting. Comments and court critiques were discussed. All in all, we have had a successful first year and have the right energy moving forward into the next. The VCD has […]
Location: The Gingerman in Uptown Dallas, Tx Number of attendees: 24 Next month (September) will be our one-year anniversary. Four officials are up for reelection and we discussed the election process. (Link for Survey Monkey for anonymous voting can be found on Members page). the election will be run by our records Keeper, Malka. Nine […]
Location: The Ginger Man in Uptown Dallas, TX Number of Attendees: 25 Will generously purchased and set up our web domain, and after a court vote, made it public. Miss Kim graciously hosted the VCD early Fourth of July BBQ on Sunday, July 2, 2017. Mike, with the advice of Ramon, has made more […]
Location: The Ginger Man in Uptown Dallas, TX (second floor) Number of attendees: 25 Convergence After Action Report and Lessons Learned (Weekend, Blood Drive and RBC Event): Convergence was a success with 40+ blood drive signups and outstanding performances with multiple bands. Precedent set with booking bands for events and multiple ideas to branch out […]
Location: The Ginger Man in Uptown Dallas, TX (second floor) Number of attendees: 23 VCD is now a verified nonprofit on Facebook and will soon be able to accept donations through Facebook. Mary is moving forward towards getting us a bank account. She also got us a PayPal credit card reader, so we can now […]